Where Do You Pray?

For several years, I have been going to my special spot in my favorite chair in the living room to read scripture and write in my prayer journal.  After that I take a few minutes to pray for the people on my prayer list and do special petitions to some saints: Mary, Joseph, and Michael and of course, to Jesus.

At times in past few months I have been writing on this blog or just going ahead with my exercise for the day or just to do errands.  When I don't take that quiet time, I miss it.  So I have vowed to go there every day no matter what else comes up.  It is my appointment with God and a time to refresh and renew.  He looks forward to spending time with me as much as I want to spend time with Him.  Jesus in today's gospel urges us to take this time:

"But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret.  And the Father who sees in secret will repay you."  Matthew 6:6  Where will you pray today?
