Feeling Convicted About Humility

I am taking a course at my church called "Walking Toward Eternity - Daring to Walk the Walk" led by Jeff and Emily Cavins on video.  A lovely teacher from our church facilitates the discussion every week.   Each week highlights a virtue and this past week was Humility.  There is journaling and scripture reading involved and I kind of zipped right through the lesson feeling pretty confident that there were no real issues in my life of living humbly.  There is also a practice of lectio divina - a way of meditating and contemplating on the scripture.

Well, when I watched Jeff in video, I felt one instance of conviction after another..and it relates to my business.  Jeff brought out that true humility frees us to be who we are, living in our gifting that came from God.  Jesus is our example of humility.

"Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."  Matthew 11:29

Have I been trying to be someone I am not?
The scriptures teach us about humility.  With humility comes wisdom (Proverbs 11:2),  God works through the humble (Isaiah 66:2), there is no hypocrisy in humility (Luke 12:1).  I have been quite busy thinking of ways to attract clients to my business and have been forgetting to include God in the equation.  I was reminded to put aside times of making myself feel greater than I am, invite God into the business, and listen to what he is telling me.  Pride has reared its ugly head....James tells us to "humble yourselves before the Lord and He will lift you up." (James 4:10)  I need a swift kick :-).  Jeff had a great quote from Mother Theresa which I love:

“If you are humble nothing will touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know what you are.”

Dear Lord, teach me to be humble and not exalt myself.  I love you!  Amen.
