What Do You Thirst For? Revelation 22:17

I was away this past week in California with my husband for a life coaching conference and I got out of the habit if doing my normal praying/meditating/journaling and just speaking to God.  I could feel something missing and I felt a little guilty about not sitting down and taking the time to just be.  I did give thanks many times during the trip for safe travel and for the beauty of His creation.  Cliffs, beaches, sun, rain, mountains - it was magnificent and so different from Florida!   Here is a picture of Half Moon Bay, California from our trip :

Today's reading from Revelation reminded me of that longing for relationship with God:
"Come.  Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water."  Revelation 22:17

His life-giving water gives me strength, health, courage, wisdom, peace and more.  When I don't spend time with Him, when I don't read scripture, or just sit with Him, I thirst.  What do you thirst for?  What are you longing for?  May his life-giving water pour over you and fill you up.  Amen.
