God Lives In Me? John 14:23

Today's gospel caught my attention in a new way.  When I pray, I generally have an orientation that God is "out there" somewhere (external to me) and I am "sending" up my prayers and petitions to Him.  I know from reading scripture that God is with me all the time, but I never paid truly paid attention to this scripture before today or maybe I just needed to hear it today:

Jesus replied, “All who love me will do what I say. My Father will love them, and we will come and make our home with each of them.  John 14:23

Father, Son and Holy Spirit (God in the Trinity) lives inside me.  He makes His home with me.  He is my constant companion and I can speak to Him inside me anytime.  That is so awesome and I am honored that He chooses my earthly body and soul to make His home.  Let's just ponder the miracle of that today......
