How To Make Your Body a Dwelling Place for God
Imagine if I said, tomorrow God was going to make his home (a dwelling place) in you (your body,) would you be ready?
Have you taken care of it, kept it clean, nurtured it, filled it with good food, loved it, so that when God comes to live in it, He can be comfortable in it as His home? Or have you neglected it, is it slightly run down and tired, filled with broken furniture, junk food and sugar? Is it messy? Would you want God to to come live in it?
Think about it.
Scripture says, "And in Him you are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit." Ephesians 2:22
You were remarkably and wonderfully made by Him. (Psalm 139:14) He wants to live in you as a His dwelling place. Have you been a good steward of the body He created?
Two years ago, my "house" was on fire with inflammation. I had gained weight and could not figure out why. I thought I was eating healthy and keeping my dwelling place in tip top order. But it turns out I had moved into the prediabetic zone and on my way to being diabetic. Why? Because I was eating 6 times a day. I was eating a "protein" bar mid-morning (16 grams of sugar) and a piece of gluten-free bread with peanut butter on it mid-afternoon. Maybe a little something after dinner. This kept my blood sugar and insulin high throughout the day. My dwelling place was messed up and definitely not in good shape for God to live in. It was on fire!
Right now, you may be feeling a bit guilty about the way you have neglected your body. Maybe you have been sedentary. God intended for us to move our bodies. Maybe you have been stress eating or not taken time to eat healthy meals and just binged. Candy in the afternoon for energy. Little ways you may have not created a worthy dwelling place for Him. You've gained some weight and you don't feel particularly good about yourself, the way you feel and look. You talk bad about your body.
Guess what? The good news is you can turn all of that around. You can make a commitment to yourself that tomorrow you will start cleaning house. You will make a plan for what you will eat, stick to the plan, go grocery shopping, cook some healthy meals or order some in. Take a walk every day or do some other kind of movement. Little wins add up to big wins.
I stopped the snacking and got out of the prediabetic zone and lost weight. You can do it, too. Pretty soon your house (body) will be a very welcoming home for God. I did it and you can, too.
Imagine Jesus knocking on your door and asking if He can stay with you in your dwelling place. Will you be proud to let Him in?
I'd love to hear your comments. Leave them below.
Need help getting that dwelling place ready? Shoot me an email at I'll get right back to you....
Bye for now,
Have you taken care of it, kept it clean, nurtured it, filled it with good food, loved it, so that when God comes to live in it, He can be comfortable in it as His home? Or have you neglected it, is it slightly run down and tired, filled with broken furniture, junk food and sugar? Is it messy? Would you want God to to come live in it?
Think about it.
Scripture says, "And in Him you are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by His Spirit." Ephesians 2:22
You were remarkably and wonderfully made by Him. (Psalm 139:14) He wants to live in you as a His dwelling place. Have you been a good steward of the body He created?
Two years ago, my "house" was on fire with inflammation. I had gained weight and could not figure out why. I thought I was eating healthy and keeping my dwelling place in tip top order. But it turns out I had moved into the prediabetic zone and on my way to being diabetic. Why? Because I was eating 6 times a day. I was eating a "protein" bar mid-morning (16 grams of sugar) and a piece of gluten-free bread with peanut butter on it mid-afternoon. Maybe a little something after dinner. This kept my blood sugar and insulin high throughout the day. My dwelling place was messed up and definitely not in good shape for God to live in. It was on fire!
Right now, you may be feeling a bit guilty about the way you have neglected your body. Maybe you have been sedentary. God intended for us to move our bodies. Maybe you have been stress eating or not taken time to eat healthy meals and just binged. Candy in the afternoon for energy. Little ways you may have not created a worthy dwelling place for Him. You've gained some weight and you don't feel particularly good about yourself, the way you feel and look. You talk bad about your body.
Guess what? The good news is you can turn all of that around. You can make a commitment to yourself that tomorrow you will start cleaning house. You will make a plan for what you will eat, stick to the plan, go grocery shopping, cook some healthy meals or order some in. Take a walk every day or do some other kind of movement. Little wins add up to big wins.
I stopped the snacking and got out of the prediabetic zone and lost weight. You can do it, too. Pretty soon your house (body) will be a very welcoming home for God. I did it and you can, too.
Imagine Jesus knocking on your door and asking if He can stay with you in your dwelling place. Will you be proud to let Him in?
I'd love to hear your comments. Leave them below.
Need help getting that dwelling place ready? Shoot me an email at I'll get right back to you....
Bye for now,
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