What I am giving up for Lent

I really like the season of Lent.  It is a chance to do some serious reflection on the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  It is also a chance to think about giving up something that I am a little too attached to and it usually involves food.  And many times it involves chocolate.  This year I am letting go of the dark chocolate covered cashews that I started buying last summer "for my grandchildren".

But this year I am also doing The Daniel Plan with Pastor Rick Warren along with a friend of mine.  The plan is "40 days to a healthier life" that has 5 components: faith, food, fitness, focus and friends.  The first ten days of the food section is a fast eliminating sugar, caffeine, gluten, processed food and a few other things.  I am looking forward to the program and focusing on incorporating scripture and contemplation for the next 40 days.  My hope is to lead more groups of people to do this plan.

Lord, I need your help over the next 40 days.  I want to walk with you on the way to the cross...I praise you and thank you for sacrificing your life for us.  Amen.

"I can do all things through Him who gives me strength"  Phil. 4:13
