What to Do When You have Gone Off-Track

These past weeks I have definitely gone off my spiritual track.  I got so caught up with my business and finding clients that I just got busy and didn't take my devotional time.  I know I have written about this subject quite a lot, but I know this happens to a lot of people.  They just slip into a pattern of busyness and forget to have quiet time, scripture reading, prayer time or just having a conversation with God.  Even skipping church.

So I confess.  And what happened when I stopped having my time with Him and getting consumed with "earthly" worries and concerns?  I got sick.  What a surprise - I say that with a great deal of sarcasm. My body, my spirit have been trying to get my attention, but I wasn't listening.  So my back starting hurting really bad, my joints sore as well, and an upset stomach.  When I finally woke up, I immediately went to God is prayer and immersed myself in scripture and praise music.  Started reading my spiritual books again.  I am feeling better, but it was still a wake-up call.

Where are you putting your time and attention???

Dear Lord, forgive me for ignoring you for a time.  You are my strength and my shield (Psalm 28:7).  Help me to never forget that!  In Jesus' name, Amen.
