"My Sheep Hear My Voice"

Today in my readings, this verse spoke to me:

"My sheep hear (listen to) my voice.  I know them and they follow me."  John 10:27

It prompted questions in my heart:  Do I hear the voice of Jesus?  Do I really listen for His voice in the course of my day?  Does He really know me and do I let Him really know me?  Do I follow Him or do I go my own way? All good questions to ponder.

This was my desire for the new year - to know Jesus better, to walk with Him and He with me, to learn to be Him to others.  I try to stay open to hear his voice - do I allow quiet time for this or am I more focused on the activities of the day?  Do I share with him my troubles, my gratitude, my prayers, my desires?  Do I read the Word (scripture), so that I can know the persons of God - the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit?
I think my greatest challenge is listening for His voice.  I am so busy planning and doing that I don't allow enough time to just BE and let Him in.  Today I will commit to do that.  Baby steps - 10 minutes of stillness.  What about this verse speaks to you (and perhaps convicts you?)
