Top Three Steps to Attracting A Partner

Are you divorced, widowed, single and wanting to attract a partner?  Are you feeling a little stuck and discouraged with your current state of affairs?

It can be hard to start over.  Your confidence may be low.  You may feel too old or not thin enough or not smart enough to attract anyone.  Fill in the blank with your area of discouragement.  I have been through this several times, so I know what it's like.

But take heart.  I met my husband when I was 50, married after 3 years, and have been happily married for 13 years.  There are several things I learned when I was wanting to attract someone and I want to share them with you. Here are my top three steps to attracting a partner:

1.  Surrender the process to the Lord.  Difficult as it may be and it was difficult for me, this verse says it all:
"Commit everything you do to the Lord,.  Trust Him and He will help you."  Psalm 37:7

When you try and do this all under your own power, it can be frustrating. You may get impatient searching and you may make some poor choices. I know I did.   When I let go of trying so hard is when met my husband.

2.  Work on yourself emotionally first.  Do you still have a lot of baggage from your past that you are carrying around from your prior relationships and your family?  If so, work with someone to help you let go of whatever is hanging you up.  A therapist, a coach, even a trusted friend can help you sort through the mess.  This was critical for me, but it was well worth it.  When I came to my husband, I was in a much healthier state emotionally than I did in prior relationships.  Until you clear up your own stuff, you will continue to attract people who may not be right for you.

3.  Take care of yourself physically.  Do what you need to do to get healthy.  Do you need to change the way you eat or spend your time?  Do you need to move more?  Committing to a makeover of the way you present yourself will give you more confidence.  It's all part of the package that is you.  When you feel good, you are much more likely to attract someone, just from your air of strength and self-assurance.

These three steps may seem awfully simple, but I assure you there is work involved!  But it is so worth it!!  Here's to attracting the partner of your dreams.  And be open to the possibility that it may not be the package you expected!  God has a sense of humor and can throw something at you from left field.

Good luck!

I'd love to hear if you found these steps helpful and how things turn out for you. Leave a comment or send me an email at

Take care,

