Do You Give Glory to God?

Right now I am at the beach with family.  Waking up to blue green gulf waters with dawn just starting.  After a busy day yesterday packing, driving, unpacking, exploring, it was exhausting.  To tired to really notice my surroundings.  

All I could think about was there are too many people, too much noise, when right in front of me was the gorgeous expanse of emerald water.

I do that a lot, do you?  Concentrate on problems, what’s wrong instead of what’s right?  Every day we grind out our work, ascribing success to our hard work and things we accomplish.  It’s all us.  Pushing, pushing.  Succeeding or failing.  Business and life as usual.

But, in reality, it is God who is with us every step of the way.  He is loving us, helping us, healing us, regardless of whether we recognize it or not.  Every day He leads us and guides us.  We’ve got our heads down concentrating on tasks and responsibilities.  If things go well or if we experience success, it’s because of our hard work.  

Guess what?  He’s always got our back.  Always.  

What if we acknowledged Him, praised Him and thanked Him on a regular basis? What if we noticed all the gifts we have and all the healing we receive?  What if we saw the beautiful sunrises, the blue-green water, the majestic mountains He created?  What if we gave God all the glory He deserves?  What if we shared that with others?  

We didn’t get where we are without His presence and help.  Let’s give Him the glory today and every day.  How about it?  

“Thank you God for all you created and all the blessings I have received and continue to receive.  It’s all you, Lord. All you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Not to us, Lord, not to us
    but to your name be the glory,
    because of your love and faithfulness.  Psalm 115:1
