Are You Being Authentic in Your Life?

Have you ever asked yourself this question:  am I being authentic in my life?  I have asked myself this question many times and my answer for a while has been NO.  So why haven't I changed things?

Have you felt like something is off - like you aren't showing your true self to the world? That if you really showed the world your real self, maybe people wouldn't like you, support you or maybe even be around you?

It's confession time.  Here is the deal.  I have been wavering in my business for 3 years about whether to include my faith in the mix.  To be out there, share my faith on my website and with clients.  Afraid to talk too much about it for fear that public and private entities wouldn't hire me for presentations and clients would shy away from me, fearful that I am going to try and convert them.
Well, I'm done.  I'm done hiding who I really am.  And Whose I really am.  I am going to be authentic in my life and in my business.

I am a Christian and love it.

That may turn some people off.  And that's OK if I'm not your jam.  I love you anyway.  It's all good.
The Lord took my life, full of missteps, bad decisions and actions and turned it around.  He loved me right through it all, full of compassion.  He took all of that and made me brand new.

So, I am ready to be authentically me in all areas of my life.
How about you?  Are you hiding the real you, not being authentic and maybe trying to hide a part of yourself you are afraid for others to see?

This Sunday is Easter Sunday.  What better time to resurrect yourself, to start fresh, to be authentic in all areas of your life?

I am.  Will you join me?

If any of this resonates with you, leave me a comment below or shoot me an email at  I'd love to hear from you.  Happy Easter!!
